Thursday, August 19, 2010

Milly/Adam of Yuma's Contribution -- Yuma Wellness Program

Yuma Wellness Campaign
Great info on physical activity benefits:

· Burn calories and reduce body fat
· Control and maintain your current weight
· Improve chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease
· Improve your fitness and ability to perform daily activities
· Prevent diseases such as osteoporosis and depression
· Reduce your appetite

Physical activity is divided into two types of activities for adults: aerobic activity and muscle-strengthening activity.
Aerobic activity can be of moderate or vigorous intensity. It is important to start with aerobic activities that are less intense at first, and work up to more vigorous activity.
While performing moderate activities (such as brisk walking), you should be able to talk but not sing. Vigorous activity requires taking a breath every few words.
You can also monitor the intensity of exercise by using your heart rate. The target heart rate during physical activity should be 60% - 90% of the maximum heart rate heart rate.
To calculate your target heart rate, use the following formula:
1. 220 (beats per minute) minus age = maximum heart rate.
2. Maximum heart rate multiplied by the intensity level = target heart rate.
For example, a 50-year-old woman exercising at 60% maximum would use the following calculation:
1. 220 - 50 = 170 (maximum heart rate)
2. 170 X 60% = 102 (target heart rate)
This is her target heart rate, regardless of the type of physical activity she elects to do.
Physical activity at 60 to 70% of the maximum heart rate is considered moderate intensity exercise. You can moderately exercise safely for a long period of time. It is best to start an exercise program with moderate intensity exercise.
The other type of physical activity is muscle strengthening exercise. Muscle strengthening can be done with a weight program, heavy gardening, or push-ups and calisthenics.
The amount of physical activity is very important to achieve health benefits. Any increase in activity is better than less activity.
The recommended amount of time spent doing aerobic activity is:
· 2.5 hours a week of moderate activity, increasing to 5 hours a week
· Or 75 minutes of vigorous activity, increasing to 2.5 hours per week
Muscle strengthening is recommended twice a week.

Try to do some form of physical activity at least three times a week. Increasing to four or five times a week is even more helpful. Spread out the physical activity through the week, rather than doing it on three or four consecutive days to reduce the risk of injuries.

People who have chronic medical conditions, are older, are pregnant, or have been very inactive may need to start with less activity and increase more slowly. Increasing both aerobic and muscle strengthening physical activity has benefits, even if you cannot reach your goals.


Physical activity contributes to health by:
· Decreasing the risk for cardiovascular cardiovascular disease
· Reducing the amount of bone loss that is associated with age and osteoporosis
· Reducing the resting heart rate

Physical activity also helps the body use calories better, which helps with weight loss and maintenance. It can increase basal metabolic rate, and reduce appetite and body fat.

Physical activity should be done at a rate that is right for you. When you increase activity gradually in both intensity and time you are unlikely to have any side effects.

Monday, August 16, 2010

SMMHC 1st Annual Talent Show in Yuma

Ellyn's contribution --wellness news letters.

Wellness News Letters

Milly of Yuma's Contribution ----- Wellness Stats

Employees' Health Status

Researchers have looked at a large number of employee populations to determine the most common health risks. On the average, for every 100 workers in this country, 27 have cardiovascular disease, 24 have high blood pressure, 50 or more have high cholesterol, 26 are classified as being obese, 26 smoke, ten are heavy drinkers, 60 don't wear seat belts regularly, 50 don't get adequate exercise, and 44 suffer from excessive levels of stress. (See Table V.) Obviously, employee groups differ based upon their demographics. If you have employees with a low education level, a different racial mix, a different age group, more women than men, etc., your employee risks will differ. You can use these data, however, as a guide for determining what types of risks your employees may have and what programs to offer.
Table V
Risk Factors for Every 100 Employees

- 27 have cardiovascular disease

- 24 have high blood pressure

- 50 or more have high cholesterol

- 26 are overweight by 20% or more

- 26 smoke

- 10 are heavy drinkers

- 60 don't wear seat belts regularly

- 59 don't get adequate exercise

- 44 suffer from stress

Wellness/Lifestyle Links from Gustavo

Quarterly Health Initiative Topics and Kit Materials Archive

Friday, August 13, 2010

Celebrating Wellness Committee Agenda for 8/13/10

Celebrating Wellness Committee        Agenda for 8/13/10

I. Introductions…………………………………………….All
II. Wellness Kudos and Updates....…………………….Gustavo
A. SMMHC Cell Phone Policy
B. SLHI Wellness Collaborative
C. AJDPC Community Resources Event
D. Youth Leadership and Wellness Event
E. Smoking Cessation Campaign
F. Celebrating Wellness Newsletter
III. Celebrating Wellness Blog…………………………….Herb
IV. Art Expressions at the Recovery Campus…………...Laura
V. AJ Wellness Fair Update………………………………Denise
VI. San Pedro Valley Wellness Update……………..……Daniel
VII. Yuma Wellness Update…. ……………………...…….Mily
A. SAF & PAC Menus
VIII. Incredible Healthy People Campaign……….…………Denise
IX. Open Discussion and Wrap – Up……………………....All

Our Next Meeting will be on Friday, September 10th  ~ Same Time & Same Place ~

The bugs, the bugs, those darn bugs

I'm working the bugs out and improving the design and layout of the blog, your comments and suggestions are warmly and graciously appreciated.  Send your suggestions/links and ideas for postings to me at and don't forget the twitter page (working to kill those bugs now, raid hasn't worked).

Incredible Shrinking People Contest -- Summer Weight Loss Contest