Monday, September 20, 2010

Why I didn’t Join Weight Loss Contest

Why I didn’t Join Weight Loss Contest

A. Because I’m chicken (fear of failure)
B. Because I don’t want anyone, including my Doctor to know how much I weigh (have to go on a diet to see him)
C. I am terminally “unique” (no one can possibly feel the way I do)

Sound like good excuses? They made sense to me – Well, at least they did at the time. I watched all of you working to get “healthy”, admiring your courage and decided join in from afar (still don’t want anyone to know what I weigh). At first it was about losing weight, then it became about changing my eating habits. Knowing I couldn’t do it on my own (I need strict discipline) bit the bullet and ordered nutri-systems. I’m learning to make better choices like fruit instead of cookies, incorporating milk products (low fat of course) into my diet. My portions have gone from huge to normal and even though it’s slow the weight is dropping.

I’m starting to feel better about myself and maybe someday, I’ll tell you what I weigh.

Jeannie Oswalt, BHPP

All-Staff Meeting 9/16/2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Winners of the Incredible Shrinking People Contest!

Rita Cleaned Up in the Women's Category!!!!!
How did this guy win?!!!

Incredible Shrinking People Contest Winners to be Announced Today!

Good Morning ~ It's hard to believe that three months have gone by since we all came togehter for our last all-staff luncheon and start to the Incredible Shrinking People summer weight loss campaign.

As several of us stood around weighing in yesterday it was amazing to hear the discussion about the extra baggage that was shed by a number of us during the past three months. What made it so amazing was that several people didn't think that they had shed any weight ~ in fact they were reluctant to weigh in cause they thought they had actually gained some poundage. After some friendly arm twisting those two reluctant souls (that will remain nameless) stepped onto the scale to discover that their combined weight loss was nearly 20 lbs. ~ WOW!!!

Well, we'll know later today as to who the winners will be. Thanks to everyone that participated and to all of you that supported the contestants with the challenging task of taking off a few extra lbs. or in my case several kilos! :)

We'll be sure to post the pix of the winners tommorow and we'll be sure to keep bringing you more info on our wellness efforts at SMMHC.

Stay tuned and be well! ~ G

Friday, September 10, 2010

Thursday, September 2, 2010